Guest Post

Hey, Readers to

We welcome you all to join hands with Cash In Purse by posting guest posts to add a new audience to your posts.

Guidelines to write a Guest Post

The rules for the post are as follows: –

  1. Guest posts should be related to ways of earning money online.
  2. The post should contain true ways you have generated real money online.
  3. It should contain the screenshot of your received payment also.
  4. It should be free from plagiarism i.e the content should be your own and it should not be copied from other sources.
  5. The post should be free from any grammatical errors.
  6. In the post, Cash In purse have the right to publish the links or not, it depends upon the owner.
  7. The article should be more than 900 words.
  8. After your article is published on the website, then Cash In Purse retains the right and you would not have to post it anywhere else on the Internet.
  9. Please don’t include any affiliate links in your post.
  10. The article should be your original content as it will be scanned for plagiarism.

How to post the article

You just need to first contact us regarding the topic of your choice on

Then you can give your article to us through the Guest Post page.

Hope to meet soon.